Nude. Body and light, so “this other”

Body detail. This is one of the session types mostly requested for a gift. There’s nothing better than to hang a beautiful artistic nude picture in your living room for your guests to admire, who due to the creative lighting have no idea it’s you (or your wife) in the photos.

The problem is in the name, as how to call a nude photo where the less significant is the background, atmosphere and daily light, and the more important is a study of the human body, where you only add the flashlight. No name fits. Neither the artistic nudity (since other sessions needn’t be less artistic), nor the studio act, because the studio is only a room. My clients tend to request not a boudoir session but simply ‘this other’

Thus, ‘this other’ means something when you have no ‘aids’ like a beautifully decorated apartment, daylight or a bed. Only the body, flashlight, a set pose and the photographer who’ll arrange everything the way it looks perfect.

Oh, a model would be nice to have! Here, the model was Magda.

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