Agata 3 years later. A studio photoshoot

Photography may refer to an old life’s quote ‘nothing is perfect’, that is nothing is either genuinely black or white. In theory one can say something is perfectly white or black. But, between theory and practice, only theory remains unchanged.

The photos of cheap chain high-street shops will depict black colour as barely dark brown and white as light beige. Best papers and fine-art canvas also reflect the details of black and white colours differently all the time. Each has different density and shine; from a full matt, through pearl, glassy, metallic, to a typical “glossy”

Hence, no matter how much you will cry or shout, nothing can persuade us that everything is either black or white. That is said in case somebody flicking through my photos will wonder why I like to shoot black objects on black backgrounds.

But talking about the session…

But talking about the session, I had a pleasure to photograph Agata yet three years ago. That was a pretty feminine shoot in an apartment, with the use of daylight and likewise atmosphere. If you’re interested in finding out what the photo shoot in a studio is about, I hope you’ll find this post helpful.

The session took place in the Sztos Studio. Agata Woźniak was a model.

Asia Marzena Kijak took care of make-up and hairstyle.

Color or Black and White?

The choice between color and black-and-white photos is a dilemma every photographer faces. It’s a bit like asking, “Do you prefer coffee or tea?” – the answer depends on what you want to achieve, the mood you want to convey, and the impression you want to make. Sometimes color is the main star of the frame, while other times, the lack of it makes the image stronger and more impactful. So, let’s explore when it’s worth going for the intensity of colors and when it’s better to play with shades of gray.

When Color Photos Take Center Stage

Color photos are like a story full of life – they are great when you want to show the intensity, energy, and diversity of the world. In landscapes, where the green of the grass, the blue of the sky, and the golden rays of the sun create an amazing harmony, color plays a key role. Fashion photography often takes advantage of rich colors to highlight outfits, convey the character of a collection, or attract the viewer’s eye. Color works like a magnet – it grabs, holds, and intrigues.

Color photos also work beautifully in portraits when you want to emphasize the natural beauty of the model – a subtle blush, the color of the eyes, or the warm, golden light falling on the face. When the background and light harmonize with the subject, color can add depth and dimension, making the shot truly special. They are also great for travel photography – showing cultural diversity, the exoticism of places, and the variety that is sometimes lacking in everyday surroundings.

Black-and-White Photos – When Less is More

On the other hand, black-and-white photographs have something timeless and universal about them. They are like good wine – the longer you look at them, the more you discover. Black-and-white photos eliminate the “distractions” of color and allow you to focus on form, texture, light, and emotions. They are perfect when you want to convey an atmosphere filled with seriousness, mystery, or nostalgia.

Black-and-white portraits have a special power. They focus on emotions, expressions, and gaze – what is most important at that moment. Without the colors that could distract attention, you can better appreciate subtle differences in shadows, contrasts, and the delicacy of facial features. The same goes for street photography – black-and-white shots can add drama to everyday scenes, capture the essence of the moment, and reflect the character of the place.

Black-and-white photos are also indispensable when you want to show something raw and minimalist. Architecture, geometry, abstraction – here, the form, lines, and angles matter, and sometimes color would only get in the way. Black-and-white photography excels at conveying emotions in simplicity and minimalism – and that’s where its strength lies.

The Choice is Yours

In the end, it’s important to remember that the choice between color and black-and-white photos depends on what you want to convey. Sometimes it’s worth experimenting – what initially seems to work best in color might surprisingly come to life in black and white, and vice versa. Photography is, after all, an art – there are no strict rules here, it’s all about what you see and how you want to show it to the world. So play with colors (or the lack thereof) and create images that speak for you!

If you enjoyed this session, feel free to comment!

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